Kissanime is the best website to watch online anime series. We allow viewers to view and download anime movies entirely for FREE. Here, bring you high-quality anime programs in full 480p, 720p, 1080p HD, for all genres such as Action, Comedy, Drama, Devil, Romance, History, Samurai, School, Shoujo Ai, Supernatural Shounen, and many more, from the oldest to the latest. Each anime episode is regularly updated. Most of the series are in Japanese with English sub supports.
Watch Free Anime Streaming Online
Unlike other websites, KissAnime updates the latest anime with HD video quality. Many video server options suitable for each person’s internet network such as StreamSB, Mp4Upload, StreamTape … We always have 2 subs and dubs for you to choose from according to your preference, watch your favorite anime live with no download required. To watch anime on this site, you do not need to register. Just type the anime movie title on the search box, and enjoy it.
What Happens When KissAnime Down? is the newest official one after closed in August 2020. If you find any other anime entertainment platform that resembles us it is all fake. Currently, there is no official mobile app for this site. However, when streaming on your computer, you do not need any other app since our site will run impeccably if you have a good enough internet connection. All the anime programs are lightweight to provide you smooth viewing without any interruption.
It’s Safe and Legal to Watch Anime at KissAnime
Yes, it is safe to use. While using this website, it does not ask about your personal information such as your credit card information, your mobile phone number, and so on. They do not spill into your personal data while you are in use. Ads are displayed on this website for the purpose of maintaining website performance. This site is free from viruses and safe for your usage. Any popup saying that “your device has a virus” is not correct, so please do not click on it. It is merely an advertisement. However, KissAnime has dozens of mirror websites which might be not safe. They contain viruses or Trojans which can harm your PC or mobile. For your safety, make sure to use the official website only. Watching anime at KissAnime is legal. Whether you are streaming or downloading anime movies, you are not violating the copyright clause, because:
- Our website follows Title II (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). All rights of copyright owners are respected.
- We use Openload and Google servers to assist you with downloading or streaming movies. There are no direct hosting copyrighted anime programs here.
- All anime movies on our website do not aim for commercial ventures or redistribution. If a video is streamed for personal consumption, it is free from copyright rule actions.
Hence, you can download our anime programs anytime without breaking the rules. As long as users download or watch videos from this site just for personal consumption, users will never be handcuffed.
Ways to Detect Cloned Sites Kiss Anime
If any of the following happens when you access a Kiss Anime website, the chance is that it is a mirror website:
- The website requires you to download or run an unknown software prior to proceeding.
- When you use the site, there is a separate tab automatically popping up.
- You are asked to run any file formed rar, zip, or pdf before streaming a video.
- When watching movies, weird notifications just keep popping on your browser.
If you are experiencing those issues, close that website immediately as it is not safe at all.
What are the best features of KissAnime?
Here are some compromising points when watching anime online at KissAnime:
- Excellent quality anime: KissAnime is not a home for low-quality imagines or disruptions occurred by lags. Here, only HD quality of English Subbed and Dubbed to bring real excitement to your feeling.
- Eliminate download times: You don’t need to waste time downloading anime to watch offline anymore. That era is over! Just go to ( new) and enjoy watching your favorite anime for free.
- Reduce your entertainment cost: We all know that Netflix, Crunchyroll, and other streaming platforms are expensive. Watching free anime on our website surely reduces those costs.
- Unlimited access to your favorite anime: Whatever anime you like, you are able to access it no matter how, where, and when. Instead of paying for certain animes that you love, watching online with free and unlimited access is much better, right?